Blitz Ire Made Industrial Real Estate For Rent Wausau Wisconsin Easy

Buying a commercial property is expensive, whereas leasing or renting is a smart solution these days. Without increasing liability and assets you can stay worry-free by leasing warehouses at the prime location. Industrial Real Estate For Lease in Wisconsin is emerging with great opportunities for businesses at the best price. Leasing warehouse space has the potential to yield attractive benefits for businesses seeking a great deal of distribution activity.

Your experience renting or leasing a real estate property is highly dependent on the company you are hiring to do so. Not everyone is trustworthy; do your research to have complete satisfaction. Blitz Ire assures the convenience of finding the place depending on your needs. We provide spaces for setting up a manufacturing unit, warehouse, distribution facility, and multi-purpose facility. Whatever your requirement, we take it seriously and strive to meet your expectations. Our team at Blitz Ire has extensive knowledge and experience in the real estate industry, ensuring that we can assist you in finding the perfect property for your distribution activities. We understand the importance of a reliable and trustworthy leasing or renting company, and we are committed to providing you with a seamless and pleasant experience.

Get a Personalized Solution for your Requirement at Blitz Ire

Space Requirements

It goes without saying that whatever storage space you lease should be appropriate for the quantities of goods you intend to store there. Arriving at the required cubic square footage is more or less straightforward when it comes to your present needs, or even those for the near future. Anticipating these beyond that, though, can be a challenge. Leasing is a longer-term commitment than other options, such as renting from a public warehouse, and is therefore less flexible. This could limit your ability to respond quickly to business changes as they occur.

Nevertheless, we walk extra miles to deliver you exactly what is above that space. We understand that your operating site needs to be as comfortable as your home so you can work as smoothly as you want.

Parking and Outdoor Storage

This is the most prominent thing in all our units, whether you are looking for a warehouse, manufacturing, or any other purpose. Also our spacious units provide ample room for parking multiple vehicles, including trucks and trailers. Additionally, our outdoor storage areas are secure and well-maintained, ensuring that your equipment and materials are protected from the elements.

Safety & Security

Another important thing we keep in mind is the safety and security measures in the facility. We take our clients every consideration seriously and thus provide units that promise the utmost safety. Although location is crucial when it comes to safety, our properties are available at the best locations in the city. You can rest assured.

At a minimum, commercial warehousing facilities include:

  • Perimeter Fencing
  • Video Surveillance Systems With 24/7 Monitoring
  • Entry Alarm Systems
  • Fire Alarm & Extinguishing Systems

Meet our Team

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Kathleen Grant
Kathleen Grant
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In malesuada, odio sit amet pharetra vehicula, sapien leo egestas magna, vitae auctor diam magna cursus arcu.
Keith Bailey
Keith Bailey
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Danielle Murray
Danielle Murray
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In malesuada, odio sit amet pharetra vehicula, sapien leo egestas magna, vitae auctor diam magna cursus arcu.
Thomas Stevens
Thomas Stevens
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In malesuada, odio sit amet pharetra vehicula, sapien leo egestas magna, vitae auctor diam magna cursus arcu.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
by Roy Bennett
Manager, Company Inc.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
by Kenya Soval
Realtor, Company Inc.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
by Kathleen Peterson
Manager, Company Inc.

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